Our family business began to take shape in early 1999, just before the new millenium, offering rentals on the wonderful Southern coast of Galicia and in the unspoiled inland in the south of Lugo.

What makes us different to most of the other agencies?

The answer is simple: from the beginning our focus has always been on peacefully located properties in rural settings and unspoiled areas with a preference to difficult to find locations in a completely natural environment and far away from industrial pollution and noisy cities…

A visit to the Galician Country is an experience difficult to forget

We think that Galicia is probably the right place to find the property of your dreams, so don’t hesitate to contact us with queries, questions,  or comments.

Galicia’s picturesque and varied landscape, the beautiful beaches on the coast, the unspoiled nature, the traditional way of living in the rural inland with good atmosphere and friendly people, the variety of microclimates, a tasteful cuisine.

All this is a reason for us to continue offering quality properties in the Rias Baixas region, on the southern coast of Galicia, with spectacular fiord-like inlets and large white sand beaches, and in the Ribeira Sacra region, a beautiful nature park between the rivers Sil, Cabe and Miño, in the south of the Lugo province and in the north-east of the Ourense province.

Before I came to live in Galicia in the early nineties, I have been visiting this marvellous region in the Northwest of Spain often since my childhood… Soon I discovered that Galicia means quality of life. Here you can still find a peaceful home in beautiful natural setting and enjoy a healthy way of life…

Frank Gomez

Quasar Homes
Francisco Gómez Pérez
Tax Identification Number (N.I.F.): X0987977-N
As Viñas, 2
27592 San Roman de Moreda
Panton – Lugo
